Camille chamoun biography

Famous lebanese leaders

Camille Nimr Chamoun OM, ONC was a Lebanese politician who served as the 2nd president of Lebanon from to He was one of the country's main Christian leaders during most of the Lebanese Civil War. See more.
camille chamoun biography

Chamoun meaning

Camille Chamoun (born April 3, , Dayr al-Qamar, Lebanon—died August 7, , Beirut) was a political leader who served as president of Lebanon in – Chamoun spent his .

Camille chamoun jr

Elected H.E. Presidentof the Republic on the 23rd of September Founded and headed the National Liberal Party from till Founded the Constitutional Party with Majeed .

Chamoun family
Camille Chamoun, in full Camille Nimer Chamoun, Chamoun also spelled Shamʿun, (born April 3, , Dayr al-Qamar, Lebanon—died August 7, , Beirut), political .