Davenport brothers biography

Victorian paranormal investigators

Ira Erastus Davenport (September 17, – July 8, ) and William Henry Davenport (February 1, – July 1, ), known as the Davenport brothers, were American magicians in the late 19th century, sons of a Buffalo, New York policeman.
davenport brothers biography

Modern day houdini

A biography of the brothers Davenport: with some account of the physical and psychical phenomena which have occurred in their presence: in America and Europe by .

Col ling soo

Famous American demonstrators of claimed spirit medium-ship who performed before large audiences on the theatrical stage.

The fox sisters biography
The Davenport Brothers were the American magicians Ira Erastus Davenport () and William Henry Harrison Davenport () who performed in the late s.