Lodovico giustini biography meaning

Biography in a sentence

Lodovico Giustini (12 December – 7 February ) was an Italian composer and keyboard player of the late Baroque and early Classical eras.
lodovico giustini biography meaning

Lodovico giustini biography meaning

Lodovico Giustini (12 December – 7 February ) was an Italian composer, harpsichordist and organist.

Lodovico giustini biography meaning and origin

Giustini was born in Pistoia, of a family of musicians which can be traced back to the early 17th century; coincidentally he was born in the same year as Bac.

Lodovico giustini biography meaning and death
Lodovico Giustini (December 12, – February 7, ) was an Italian composer and keyboard player of the late Baroque and early Classical eras.