The impact of pope john xxiii biography

What did pope john xxiii do

Following the death of Pius XII, he was elected Pope on 28 October , taking the name John XXIII.
the impact of pope john xxiii biography

What did pope john xxiii die from

At the death of Pius XII he was elected Pope on 28 October , taking the name John XXIII.

What is pope john xxiii best known for

The Good Pope: John XXIII & Vat­i­can II, The Mak­ing of a Saint and the Remak­ing of the Church by Greg Tobin is a biog­ra­phy of Angelo Giuseppe Ron­calli, the Pope.
Where was pope john xxiii born
[9][10] He made a major impact on the Catholic Church, opening it up to dramatic unexpected changes promulgated at the Second Vatican Council and by his own dealings with other churches and nations.